Saturday, March 6, 2010

Scary Thursday

On Thursday around 4:00pm I got a global headache as in it was not concentrated in one spot. I took some aspirin to alleviate it. Then around 6pm my right foot and most of my leg went numb and I felt like it was going to give out on me. Anxiety and panic set in as it took me back to that fateful day of June 15 when this whole mess started. It was numb from 6pm to about 10pm. Even my R arm felt slightly numb but nothing like my leg and foot. It was so messed up because I couldn't feel where my foot was going to to land. (picture going up and down stairs with one of your legs numb...not fun.)

Friday was a better day although most of the numbness subsided there was still some there. My leg still doesn't feel normal, it feels slightly compromised. I am just disappointed because I haven't had numbness that bad since before December and I felt great for half of January and the entire month of February. I did not have any numbness at all for that period of time. I thought to myself, "look at me, i'm on the mend afterall, the worst is behind me." Well now i'm not so sure about that. Just another evening of sheer terror. I do notice that any episodes that happen tend to occur at the end of the day. I dont think i'll ever get used to this.

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